вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

couple good looking

Itapos;s exactly a month since my last posting... Unlike the time I spent in Japan for SEP, my life back in Sing is really really boring... Therefore, thereapos;s nothing much to blog about... Plus back home in Sing, I have my books and manga as well as the tv to occupy my time... Muahahahahahahah...
iapos;m actually feelin kinda stressed out... Relax too much during SEP in Japan... Now, have to do weekly readings, not to mention the huge amount of workload that is the norm�in NUS... Haiz.... Thereapos;s a project due the following week (but i haven done anything yet)... Then in nov, thereapos;s 2 other papers due... Also haven really done shit yet.... Iapos;m sooooo screwed... But then hor, cannot cope also must cope... Really feel like escaping from reality.... Haiz.... :-(

last weekend, i was supposed to start doing a bit of research + writing for the various papers that will b due summarily... But guess wat? I didnapos;t do shit, academically... Instead, i spent my entire weekend finishing the movie version, then the drama version, and finally, the novel of Koizora... Itapos;s all because i started reading the manga version of Koizora first... After tat, i couldnapos;t resist searching for and watching the movie and drama version... Itapos;s a really nice movie... Sad but nice... Although i prefer Miura Haruma in Gokusen 3 rather than in Koizora... But still heapos;s kakkoii... Pity heapos;s an infant... Muahahahahahahaha...
Stayed up till 3am on mon morning just so i could finish the entire novel (which was in chinese)... Was crying really hard towards the end of the novel... Lucky my eyes did not seem tat swollen the next day even though i only had like 4 hours sleep... Iapos;ve decided to get the original version... In japanese... Heeheheehehh...
aaaahhhh... I also want a romance like Mika n Hiro, sooooo deep n everlasting.... Minus the dying so young part, thank you.... But then hor, given that i have a commitment phobia n trust issue problem, a true romance does not seem likely for mi ne~....

ok, thatapos;s it for now... Gonna cream off the make-up n then watch ROOKIES SP... Or mayb re-read one of my many novels... Anything but sitting down n do the assignments... Muahahahahahah

argus observer ontario, couple good looking, couple gone wild, couple golf tournament, couple golf hernando league, couple golden shower.

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