воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

black hole science experiments

Well fans im back again. Im currently here to bitch about my week in otterburn, the arsehole of england. First of all iapos;d like to say i hate being the new guy on the squadron, you quickly learn that no one listens to u, the only time they talk to u is to take the piss, have a go at u or to boss you around, and you always end up with the shittest jobs. All week ive been with my flight in otterburn training area on the scottish border where the lads were fiering mortars as part of their training course. I had no mortar training watsoever but i was still made to go up there to get to know the lads on the flight. Needless to say i was just used as an extra and was just given shit jobs all week, i spent all of monday and thursday manning sentry positions and all of wednesday at camp looking after the ammo. As if anyone would steal it in the middle of nowhere? ive obviously come home during the weekend and ive had a laugh with friends however ive had to spend alot of it polishing my parade boots in time for public duties on wednesday.
black hole science experiments, black hole science fair.

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